Antique Week at the Beach!
February 8 begins another Antique Week or 10 days of vintage-retro festivities at Lincoln City Oregon. Plans for this year include: appraisals, a concert, scavenger hunt, glass float beachcombing, quilt documentation, and an Abraham Lincoln play.
For me, though, it’s always about the antiques themselves. There are some great antique shops and malls to visit while in the city. The Rocking Horse is a double decker wonder, while the Little Antique Mall winds around and has hidden back rooms to explore! Granny’s Attic is cozy with deals and Days Catch does double duty as a pawn shop and antique store.
And don’t forget the thrift stores! Goodwill always has new items daily. The Elks thrift store is hidden beneath the Elks Building and has vintage items to peruse.
PS. Catch ads in Craigslist too for garage sales and yard sales available on the weekends.
Posted on 02/07/2013 in Uncategorized