Spring Flowers Near Vacation Beach Rentals

The Pacific Northwest never has extreme weather. Winters are mild and summers don’t get hot. These predictable, and generally comfortable, conditions make it an ideal place to book for an easy-to-plan stay at any of our beach vacation rentals. Lincoln City, Oregon boasts a climate typical of the region.

But this climate also means the conditions are great for some kinds of vegetation and flowers all along Oregon oceanfront property

Those who stay at Oregon coast beach condo rentals will be able to enjoy spectacular views at the Connie Hansen Gardens. The namesake, Connie Hansen, collected many different varieties of rhododendrons. You probably didn’t know there were so many types of “rhodies”! But the Oregon coastal climate is perfect for these flowering shrubs. And at the Connie Hansen Gardens, a short drive from Lincoln City, Oregon beach home rentals, you’ll see all sorts of rhodies — from tiny ones with delicate flowers and small leaves, up to massive ones that are more like trees.

But rhododendrons aren’t all you’ll see at the Connie Hansen Gardens. Lots and lots of azaleas accent the rhodies and giving their own vibrant splashes of color. joining the rhodies and azaleas, and also blooming big in the spring, are irises and other lower flowering plants. Ornamental trees and ground-covering plants complete the look, and guarantee that you’ll love your visit to the Connie Hansen Gardens. 

Connie Hansen is an easy drive from Oregon coast vacation rentals, right in Lincoln City, Oregon.

But while the Connie Hansen Gardens provides the best planned and tended garden views  you’ll see, you don’t need to go to a garden to be wowed by the spring flowers. The Oregon oceanfront property and even a mile or five inland sport many species of wild flowers. All along the roadways, across fields, and everywhere the landscape is left to its own devices, flowers will find a way.

You’ll see spectacular species as you go out from your comfortable Oregon vacation home. These include daffodils, crocuses, purple camas, pond lilies, wild iris, coast fawn lilies, Hartwig’s wildginger, and so many others. 

Many places along the Oregon coast host events around their flowers. Connie Hansen Gardens  host various events throughout the year, but they’re not alone. Take a look around for other public gardens and communities in easy driving distance from your beach rental — in Eugene, Corvalis, or even Portland, for example — to find events and opportunities. 

But lodging in Lincoln City, Oregon is a great place to start. It also is a great place to use as a base for exploring further up and down the Oregon coast. Book your stay at a vacation beach home today, and get ready for a peaceful and colorful vacation! 

Posted on 04/20/2022 in beach condo rentals Lincoln City Oregon, Oregon Vacation # Beach Condo Rentals, Beach House Rentals, Lincoln City Oregon Beach Condo Rental, Oregon Beach Condo Rentals, Oregon Beach Home Vacation, Oregon Beach Rentals
